HCAP WEEKLY April 24, 2023

Weatherization Client Receives a New Stove After Kitchen Fire
HCAP Districts Partner with YWCA Fernhurst
Music & Movement at Head Start
HCAP’s Finest: Training Day 2023
The Honolulu Community Action Program’s Annual Training Day returned in person last Friday for the first time since 2020. Hosted at the Neal. S. Blaisdell Center, over 200 employees, community leaders, vendors, and guest speakers were in attendance to be reminded of HCAP’s mission, receive tools to better serve the community, and celebrate the HCAP ʻohana.
Staff, Board members, and community partners were invited to attend the event to gain knowledge and resources for cross-serving clients. The day started with opening remarks from the Executive Director, Robert N.E. Piper, Esq. and Board Chair, Edward Mersereau. The Director of the Office of Community Service, Jovanie Dela Cruz, shared words of encouragement and highlighted the great partnership between OCS and HCAP. Two incredible guest speakers, Olin Lagon and Roger McKeague, were also in attendance to share their experiences from the workforce and answer staff questions.
Besides highlighting HCAP’s Programs and Services the day was also an exciting time of team building, gathering with employees from different HCAP Locations and departments, and recognizing staff accomplishments. Staff members were acknowledged for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35+ years of employment, as well as completing higher education degrees or certifications and demonstrating outstanding quality throughout their career at HCAP.
Some lucky HCAP staff members also went home with raffle prizes donated by their peers and local businesses as a mahalo for the work they do. HCAP would like to give a big thank you to these generous donors for their contributions this Training Day:
Employee Benefit Consulting, LLC
Central, Kalihi-Palama, Leahi, Leeward, and Windward District Service Centers
Executive Management Team
Finance Department
Hā Initiative: Creative STEM After-School Program
Human Resources Department
Information Services Department
Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center
Nā Lima Hana – Employment Core Services Program
Planning Department
Weatherization Assistance Program
Want to join the HCAP ʻohana? We’re hiring! HCAP also offers a strong benefits package, competitive salary, and various locations throughout the island of Oʻahu.
Learn more and apply at HCAP Careers.
Weatherization Client Receives a New Stove After Kitchen Fire
Charlotte “Mokihana” found HCAP’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) through recommendations by a handful of families in her community who had all previously benefited from the Weatherization program and knew it would help her home, as well. Mokihana was concerned about a number of major issues in her home. She had been using an old refrigerator and an electric water heater, both of which were damaged and not working properly. Unfortunately, the stove in her kitchen had also caught fire recently so it had been removed from her home as it was no longer safe to use. All dysfunctional appliances were contributing to higher energy usage and utility costs, but Mokihana remained hopeful to find solutions through WAP.
Upon qualifying for the program, Mokihana was able to receive a wide range of services that helped her further understand energy efficiency and ensure proper health and safety of the household. Mokihana received small appliances, including a low-flow kitchen sink aerator and showerhead, LED light bulbs, a smart power strip, and a smoke alarm to help with energy conservation and safety in her home. In addition to small appliances, Mokihana also received a brand-new solar water heater, refrigerator, and kitchen stove!
Mokihana expressed overwhelming gratitude for the services provided through WAP, especially as the past months have been a string of obstacles. She is grateful for HCAP’s overall mission and values and stated that she could not have afforded these appliances on her own.
Click Here for more information about the Weatherization Assistance Program.
HCAP Districts Partner with YWCA Fernhurst
Earlier this month, several staff from the Central, Kalihi-Palama, Windward, and Leahi District Service Centers toured the YWCA’s Fernhurst Women’s Residence. The YWCA Fernhurst Residence houses women through two programs: the Ka Hale Ho‘āla Hou No Nā Wāhine Furlough Program and the Homebase Transitional Program.
The Homebase Transitional Program is a temporary solution for women who find themselves in difficult situations, whether it be battling homelessness or domestic violence. The program’s main focus areas are career development and permanent housing and all women are welcome to the safety and shelter of the Fernhurst Residence. The Ka Hale Ho‘āla Hou No Nā Wāhine Furlough Program assists ladies from the Women’s Community Correctional Facility who are at the end of their sentences. The program aids their transition from prison back into the community through an array of classes ranging from job readiness training and financial literacy to trust-building and physical well-being. Once completing the Furlough Program, the women are able to apply for the Homebase Transitional program to help them continue gaining independence.
The YWCA staff’s dedication to the well-being of their residents does not go unnoticed, either. “You can feel the warmth and love here,” stated HCAP Central District Manager Katy Perry as she shared her excitement to reignite HCAP’s relationship with the Fernhurst Residence. HCAP looks forward to partnerships between the District Service Centers and organizations such as the Fernhurst Residence and becoming another pillar of support for the women of Oʻahu through Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services and HCAP’s other wrap-around services.
Click Here to learn more about Nā Lima Hana.
Music & Movement at Head Start
Keiki at Kuhio PrePlus and Waipahu II Head Start developed their auditory, fine motor, and gross motor skills while engaging in music and movement activities. The keiki learned about various musical instruments and “rocked out” with guitars. They also enjoyed dancing, moving, and jumping while learning Tinikling, a traditional folk dance of the Philippines.
Click Here for more information about Head Start & Early Head Start.