HCAP WEEKLY August 28, 2023

Playing Stop and Go with Head Start
Kumuhonua Participant Reaches Employment Milestones with the Nā Lima Hana Program
HCAP Participates in Give Aloha
HCAP Staff Attend Training Hosted by The Office of Community Services
This week HCAP staff had the opportunity to attend training at the Ala Moana Hotel hosted by the Office of Community Services (OCS). The training was split into two sessions, one session shared information and training on the Community Services Block Grant, while the other session provided information and training on the Weatherization Assistance Program. Through this training, HCAP staff were educated on how to handle the challenges of fund development by Tiffney Marley from the National Community Action Partnership, brushed up on organizational standards regarding the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), and were educated on the best way to create and submit CSBG Reports. Over the course of this training HCAP staff met with Kauaʻi Economic Opportunity, Inc. (KEO) based in Kauaʻi as well as the Hawaiʻi County Economic Opportunity Council (HCEOC) based on the Big Island to discuss how Community Action Agencies in Hawaiʻi can better connect with and serve the community of Hawaiʻi as a whole.
The training regarding the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) offered WAP staff an opportunity to connect with other WAP program staff from the Big Island. Guest speakers for the WAP sessions included Anthony Cox and Meghan McMillan from CHP Energy Solutions, and Jonathan Ballew from the National Association for State Community Services Programs(NASCSP). These sessions provided the opportunity for open conversations on health and safety, funding sources, and best practices. Ms. Georgette Aki, HCAP’s Weatherization Assistance Program Coordinator, states the following: “All aspects of the training were extremely beneficial to better understanding and improving our Weatherization program. I am excited for future island-grantee training and the potential for peer exchange programs where we can share knowledge and learn from each other”.
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Playing Stop and Go with Head Start
The Head Start keiki at Makakilo practiced following directions and listening to their peers during a child-led game of Stop and Go. The children learned how to play the game as part of their Second Step lesson that focused on learning appropriate ways to join play. Second Step is a research-based social-emotional curriculum that provides keiki with skills and techniques to regulate their emotions, make better decisions, collaborate with others and gain confidence. It is a fun and engaging way to improve children’s communication and decision making skills to promote happier and healthier relationships!
Click Here for more information about Head Start & Early Head Start.
Kumuhonua Participant Reaches Employment Milestones with the Nā Lima Hana Program
Adrienne has been a participant at the Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center (KTLC) since November of 2022. When she joined Kumuhonua as a participant, she was immediately enrolled into the Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services Program with the help of her case manager. Nā Lima Hana provides personalized one-one-one employment counseling services, job readiness training, tuition assistance for vocational school, and job placement to those who need assistance. Nā Lima Hana Staff worked with Adrienne in preparing her for the workforce, and helped to find a position that was the best fit for her.
In January of 2023 Adrienne secured a job at the security company Securitas, and has been successfully employed with the company for the past 7 months. Adrienne has expressed how happy she is to be working, and is excited that she has taken these steps in her journey to self sustainability. Adrienne will continue to work on improving her finances, so that she can eventually move out of the KTLC into permanent housing.
Click Here to learn more about HCAP’s Programs and Services.
HCAP Participates in Give Aloha
The Honolulu Community Action Program is excited to participate in Give Aloha beginning this Friday, September 1, 2023. Give Aloha takes place throughout the entire month of September at all Foodland, Sack N’ Save, and Foodland Farms stores across Hawaiʻi. Customers will be encouraged to make donations at checkout to HCAP as well as other participating Hawaiʻi non-profit organizations.
A code is assigned to each organization for donation tracking at checkout. Enter code 77207 at checkout to donate to HCAP throughout September. Foodland and Western Union will match a portion of all donations made by customers with a Maikaʻi account.
Click Here for more information about HCAP’s Programs and Services.