HCAP WEEKLY December 30, 2024

Windward Client Receives HCAP Wraparound Services
The Importance of Pedestrian Safety
Kalihi STEM LEGO League and Winter Family Night
Hā Initiative students at Kalihi STEM Exploration Center are thrilled to share highlights from December – team Palamatrons represented HCAP at the Hawai’i FIRST LEGO League State Championship and STEM students hosted a Winter Family Day!
Five students from Kalihi STEM Exploration Center attended the State Championship along with 49 other teams. The day was packed with activities and included an opening ceremony, a presentation to judges on potential solutions to marine debris, the Robot Games tournament where teams had their robots complete several tasks, lunch, an awards ceremony, and a lot of snacks in between matches.
To celebrate the end of this year’s LEGO season and the upcoming winter break, STEM students and their families came together for some learning, creativity, and holiday cheer at Kalihi STEM’s Winter Family Day! The event kicked off with a yummy buffet, where students took on the task of serving the food to the guests. Attendees enjoyed a festive spread, including a charcuterie board with salami and a variety of cheeses. There were also plenty of holiday cookies, buttery croissants, and some cheesy pizza for everyone to enjoy!
After indulging in the feast, students presented group projects on the cultural significance of the Winter Solstice around the world. Each group focused on a different part of the globe–Japan, China, Scandinavian countries, and Peru, creating detailed display boards that shared information about geographic locations, languages, traditions, foods, and important cultural values. It was wonderful to see the creativity students demonstrated as they brought global traditions to life.
The Palamatrons LEGO team presented their innovative robot models to Family Day attendees and showcased them in action. They were eager to share their innovative approach to how their robots would theoretically tackle the issue of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – a large collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. Parents and guardians were actively engaged, asking insightful questions and showing their support for the students’ dedication to sustainability.
To add some hands-on fun to the day, students and family members participated in a DIY snow globe activity where they created their own glowing masterpieces using upcycled materials. They added ribbons, glitter, and charms, creating one-of-a-kind snow globes that were a true reflection of their creativity and holiday spirit!
As the day came to a close, students worked together in teams in a gingerbread cookie design competition. It was a great opportunity for them to practice their teamwork and communication skills as they decorated their gingerbread creations. The results were as delicious as they were artistic, and a wonderful way to end the day on a sweet note!
Click here to learn more about the Hā Initiative.
Windward Client Receives HCAP Wraparound Services
Christina is a single mother of three young children who first came to the HCAP Windward District Center seeking assistance for her past due HECO bill in June 2024. Upon her arrival, she completed a full centralized intake application and family assessment to determine what type of HCAP services she could benefit from. At the time of appointment, Christina was relying on TANF and SNAP, but it wasn’t enough income to make ends meet. She turned to community services to help meet her basic needs, to which she was referred to emergency utility assistance through the H-HEAP program at HCAP and was approved for $700.00.
On the same day of the family assessment, the staff went over all of the programs HCAP offered and Christina immediately decided to enroll in the Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services program, because she wanted to obtain employment as another source of family income. Christina completed the Job Readiness Training (JRT) that included; resume building, interview skills, basic computer skills, budgeting, career goals, and time management. Following the JRT, she was given several job leads and referrals to partnering agencies and agreed to continue to work with staff on the progress.
Determined to steer her family in the right direction financially, Christina quickly started to put in job applications and found success as she started to receive calls for job interviews. Among those calls was UPS who offered her a position, on the same day following her interview, in the customer service center.
Since then, Christina has reached a 30- and 60-day job retention milestone and received her first incentive bonus from Nā Lima Hana. The Windward staff continues to guide Christina towards her new job goals and refer her to other programs that HCAP or other community agencies offer, including signing her children up for Christmas gifts through the Helping Hands Hawaii Adopt a Family program.
The Windward District Staff congratulates Christina and looks forward to her bright future.
Click here to learn more about HCAP Programs and Services.
The Importance of Pedestrian Safety
A vital aspect of HCAP Head Start & Early Head Start’s health and safety practices is providing education on the importance of pedestrian safety. Learning about pedestrian safety provides our staff, children and families with essential knowledge and skills on how to be safe when traveling on foot and being aware of pedestrians when traveling by automobile or bike. Within our Head Start classrooms, children learn about pedestrian safety through curriculum-based studies and activities. Early Head Start (EHS) children are educated during their weekly home visits and monthly socializations.
Upon enrollment and during parent workshops, parents are also educated as a way to encourage and promote the same safety practices being taught to their children. This month, our EHS children and their parents extended their knowledge of pedestrian safety through going on a “Stop Sign” scavenger hunt within their communities. While identifying as many stop signs as they could, parents expanded upon their children’s cognitive abilities through developing their shape, color and letter recognition of not only the stop signs but other signs, buildings and objects within their community.
Click here to learn more about HCAP Head Start & Early Head Start.