HCAP WEEKLY February 5, 2024

Nā Lima Hana’s New Employment Partner, Ito En
Head Start: Gross Motor Development
Central Client Receives New Refrigerator Through Weatherization Services
Cora first learned of HCAP’s services when she came across an advertisement for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) last summer. She applied for the Energy Credit with HCAP’s Central District Service Center and was informed about the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) as she completed her paperwork. She was excited to learn that the WAP could potentially help replace her refrigerator at home, which frequently made noises and is about 30 years old.
Upon qualifying for the program, she was visited by a staff member from the WAP department and received free energy-efficient devices such as LED light bulbs, low-flow shower heads, and smart power strips. She also received smoke alarms in an effort to ensure safety measures in her home. During the home audit, she also received tips on saving energy and how she can practice it in her daily life. Cora was happy to learn that her home qualifies for the refrigerator replacement and a brand-new, hybrid water heater to help cut down on her monthly energy usage. She was also relieved to learn that these appliances would cost nothing out of her pocket. Cora is deeply grateful to HCAP for offering services like this in the community, especially for elderly clients, like herself. She looks forward to continuing this newfound relationship with HCAP and will encourage friends and family to apply.
Click Here to learn more about the Weatherization Assistance Program.
Nā Lima Hana’s New Employment Partner, Ito En
HCAP’s Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services (ECS) team successfully facilitated a partnership with Ito En Hawaii, LLC. This partnership opens the door to many employment opportunities for HCAP’s ECS clients. With two locations on the island, Kapolei and the Sand Island area, Ito En currently has several positions open: Front Desk/Sales Rep, Food Production Line Worker, Merchandiser, and Entry Level Food Processing.
Ito En offers medical, vision, drug, and dental coverage. They are committed to each employee’s safety and well-being and provide safety training to every new hire. Starting pay for most positions is $14 p/h based on experience, with the possibility of a raise after a 90-day evaluation. This partnership is such a valuable addition to the list of employment partners that the Nā Lima Hana currently has to date. With various positions available, clients have options for sustainable jobs to help put them back into the workforce.
Click Here to learn more about Nā Lima Hana.
Head Start: Gross Motor Development
Gross motor skills are developed through the use of the larger muscles within the body that facilitate such activities as walking, running, and dancing. These skills also assist with the development of balance, speed, and strength. Across HCAP’s Head Start classrooms, keiki participate in educational activities such as music and movement and structured outdoor play to engage and develop these skills. The keiki at Kunia V shook their sillies out, singing, dancing, and wiggling to the various songs. At Palolo I, they completed an obstacle course that incorporated balancing beams.
Click Here to learn more about Head Start & Early Head Start.