HCAP WEEKLY January 1, 2024

Windward Client’s Journey to Success through HCAP Programs
Head Start’s Festive Dress
Kalihi-Palama Client Receives Vocational Certification
Katherine came to the Kalihi-Palama District Service Center in September 2023. She enrolled to receive services with the Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services (ECS). She specifically received assistance with vocational training to help her pay her tuition. She was enrolled with Hawaii Medical Training Center, one of HCAP’s vocational training partners, pursuing a certification in the phlebotomy program. Her class started in October 2023 and she obtained her certification at the end of the same month! Since then, she has been working to broaden her knowledge of the field she is interested in and tells us she is excited to find employment with her new certification and start her journey with her family to become self-sufficient.
Click Here to learn more about Nā Lima Hana.
Windward Client’s Journey to Success through HCAP Programs
Jeremy and Kehau first came to the Windward District Service Center in June 2023 to apply for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). During their LIHEAP intake, the office staff noticed that both Kehau and Jeremy were not currently working and shared different HCAP programs that may assist them, including Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services (ECS).
Kehau and Jeremy enthusiastically completed a full HCAP intake application along with a family needs assessment to determine their household and individual needs. They were also able to start and complete Job Readiness Training that included resume building, interview skills, basic computer, time management, budgeting, and other key job skills. Once they completed the courses, Community Services Specialist; Sheena was able to make several job referrals. One of those referrals was to Kualoa Ranch where Jeremy was able to interview. By the end of July, Jeremy started working full-time with Kualoa Ranch with full benefits, including medical. Jermey continues his employment success to this day and has even earned $100 in gift cards for reaching his employment milestones through ECS.
Kehau was also able to secure a job with the Department of Education in August of 2023 as an educational assistant. With the great news, Kehau called her Community Services Specialist and shared her concern about not having work attire. Sheena promptly placed an order for professional attire via ECS and, in just a few days, Kehau received the requested clothing. Kehau has since been working on employment milestones and has also received gift cards for achieving her goals. Jeremy and Kehau were grateful that they were able to use their gift cards for Christmas gifts for their daughters.
The family continues to thrive and we look forward to their many achievements in the future.
Click Here to learn more about HCAP’s Programs & Services.
Head Start’s Festive Dress
While volunteering at our Puʻuhale Head Start classroom, Major’s mom, Mrs. Jennifer D., shared the progress of a festive dress she was crocheting. On the first day, the festive dress was small and in the early stages of creation. Over the course of 3 days, the children noticed significant progress being made on the dress. To the children’s excitement, the dress was completed by the fourth day. Their cognitive skills were developed through recognizing and recalling the size and progress of the festive dress. They also applied mathematical concepts by measuring time and making predictions on how long it would take for the festive dress to be completed. Lastly, they engaged their creativity and fine motor skills while creating a festive dress out of paper and colorful yarn. Mrs. D’s time and engagement in the classroom helped the children build a trusting relationship with an adult, all while having fun!
Click Here to learn more about Head Start & Early Head Start.