HCAP WEEKLY January 11, 2021

HCAP’s Kokua Food Assistance Program Delivers Food Boxes to Homebound Kūpuna and Other Vulnerable Populations
Nā Lima Hana Program Helps HCAP Client Receive Job Training and Start Up Her Own Business
Wahine Kokua Donates Feminine Hygiene Products to Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center Residents
HCAP Selects New Director of Human Resources
HCAP Client Applies for Weatherization Assistance Program to Become More Energy Efficient

HCAP’s Kokūa Food Assistance Program Delivers Food Boxes to Homebound Kūpuna and Other Vulnerable Populations

These past few weeks, HCAP’s District Service Centers have been in full force implementing the Kokua Food Assistance Program As a part of this new effort, HCAP staff began distributing Kokua Food Boxes to homebound kūpuna and other vulnerable populations across Oʻahu. The kūpuna and individuals who were recipients of this distribution were 60 years or older, disabled, or were unable to go out and purchase their own food. The Kokua Food Boxes were delivered while practicing all COVID-19 state mandates and safety practices in order to keep homebound kūpuna and other vulnerable populations safe.

In order to prepare the Kokua Food Boxes, HCAP partnered with Ham Produce and Seafood. Through this partnership, Ham Produce and Seafood prepared, assembled, and delivered the boxes to Central District Service Center for the distributions. The Kokua Food Boxes included a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as dairy, egg, and protein.

Kokua Food Boxes will be delivered monthly to vulnerable kūpuna and individuals with disabilities throughout the year. HCAP’s hope is that through this service we can alleviate the anxiety and uncertainty our most vulnerable community members face on a daily basis. We hope that providing the Kokua Food Boxes can keep our homebound kūpuna and other vulnerable populations safe, secure and healthy throughout the remainder of the pandemic.

For more information about HCAP’s Kokua Food Assistance Program, please call your nearest District Service Center.

Nā Lima Hana Program Helps HCAP Client Receive Job Training and Start Up Her Own Business

Mary initially sought help from HCAP’s Leahi District Service Center in early September. She is one of many who have been hit hard financially by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since applying for HCAP’s Hāle Kakou Program, Mary has received assistance toward paying her electricity bill and past due rental bills. She was also enrolled in HCAP’s Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services Program after expressing frustration with being unable to secure employment.

Since being enrolled in the Nā Lima Hana Program, Mary continues to take active steps towards reaching her goals. She has received various services such as job-readiness training, financial literacy education, resume development, and interview coaching. Since being enrolled in the program, Mary has obtained her business license, started up her own self-employed cleaning service, and is in the process of registering for a GED program.

Mary is deeply appreciative of the services provided by HCAP and looks forward to continuing to work with the Leahi District Service Center staff in achieving her goals. For more information about HCAP’s Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services Program, visit: https://www.hcapweb.org/na-lima-hana-employment-core-services-program/

Wahine Kokua Donates Feminine Hygiene Products to Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center Residents

The staff at Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center would like to extend a big MAHALO to Wahine Kokua for donating feminine hygiene products to our residents.  The founders of Wahine Kokua, Adrian and Amanda, are both students at the University of San Francisco and are committed to giving back to communities in need. When they dropped off the products to Kumuhonua, Adrian and Amanda shared that the mission of Wahine Kokua is to help less fortunate women in Hawaiʻi by providing them with feminine hygiene products. Our Kumuhonua staff was excited to discuss opportunities for collaboration with Wahine Kokua in the future!

HCAP Selects New Director of Human Resources

The Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc. (“HCAP”), a private non-profit community action agency assisting Oahu’s low-income residents to achieve self-reliance since 1965, is pleased to announce that Tania McMoore has been named Director of Human Resources.  The Director of Human Resources is responsible for all human resources activities for HCAP, including personnel matters, benefits, performance management, health and safety, training and compliance.  As a member of HCAP’s Executive Management Team, the Director of Human Resources will work closely with the Board of Directors and serve as the staff liaison of the Human Resources Committee.

Tania started at HCAP in 2008 as the Human Resources Generalist, and recently returned to HCAP in September 2020 after working as a Branch Rental Manager at EAN Holdings.  Tania holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business, with an emphasis in Management and 2nd major in Human Resources/Personnel, from Washington State University.

Robert Piper, HCAP Executive Director, states “Tania’s experience and passion for this field of work will serve the agency well.  Tania has worked very well with staff and management during her time at HCAP, and I’m sure she will receive strong support from everyone as she takes on her new responsibilities.”

HCAP Client Applies for Weatherization Assistance Program to Become More Energy Efficient

HCAP’s Leahi District Service Center had the opportunity to work with long-time HCAP client Yolanda this past week. Yolanda has been a client of HCAP for the last 10 years. She has utilized our Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) Program’s services to help keep her lights on during challenging times. Yolanda expressed that she appreciates all the hard work the staff at HCAP have put into helping communities. She also shared that coming to HCAP has always been a pleasant experience and that applying for our programs has helped her tremendously. During her recent visit, Yolanda inquired about HCAP’s Weatherization Assistance Program to see if she would be a good candidate. The Weatherization Assistance Program provides low-income households with home energy audits plus household-specific energy efficiency tips and education, and a selection of cost-effective energy efficient measures. With the help of the Leahi District Service Center staff, Yolanda will begin the application process to potentially receive weatherization assistance for her household.

Our Weatherization Assistance Program is now accepting applications. If you would like to learn more, please email hcapwap@hcapweb.org or visit https://www.hcapweb.org/weatherization-assistance-program/