HCAP WEEKLY July 8, 2024

Windward ECS Client Gains Skills to Secure Employment
Kumuhonua Clients’ Success in Securing Permanent Housing
Head Start Keiki Transition to Kindergarten

Windward ECS Client Gains Skills to Secure Employment

Mark had expressed his desire to reenter the workforce, and was connected with HCAP’s Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services. Through this program, he was provided with the tools and guidance he needed to navigate the job market successfully.

The journey began with budgeting sessions, where Mark learned to manage his finances responsibly, laying the groundwork for a stable future. Next came resume building, where he crafted a document that highlighted not just his skills and experience, but also his determination and resilience.

But perhaps the most valuable aspect of his experience with Nā Lima Hana was the Job Readiness Training. Here, Mark honed his interview skills, learning how to present himself confidently and articulately to potential employers. With each mock interview and constructive feedback session, he grew more assured of his ability to succeed in the workforce.

Armed with newfound confidence and skills, Mark began his job search in earnest. Mark can’t help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for reaching his 180 day milestone. Not just for securing a job, but for reclaiming his life and forging a brighter future for himself.

Click Here to learn more about Nā Lima Hana.

Kumuhonua Clients’ Success in Securing Permanent Housing

Benny and Tamie, residents of the HCAP Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center (KTLC), achieved a major milestone when they secured permanent housing in Kapolei. The two provided all the necessary documentation, consistently paid their rent on time, and demonstrated their commitment to gaining stability and self-sufficiency.

KTLC is committed to assisting individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability. The program offered Benny and Tamie comprehensive support services, including case management throughout their journey, life skills training, and making resources accessible to help the participants secure permanent housing. Benny and Tamie’s success shows the effectiveness of this program in empowering individuals to overcome challenging circumstances.

Benny and Tamie’s journey to permanent housing not only reflects their resilience but also sheds light on the importance of addressing homelessness and housing instability in the community. Their story shows how HCAP’s comprehensive support services facilitate positive outcomes. By sharing their story, Benny and Tamie inspire others to believe in the possibility of change and to seek out the resources available to them for support.

Click Here to learn more about Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center.

Head Start Keiki Transition to Kindergarten

Head Start classrooms across the island that are located on Department of Education (DOE) campuses are preparing for students’ transition to kindergarten! Annually, the keiki will visit kindergarten classrooms and join in the activities. The keiki at Ewa I, II and Pre-Plus participated in classroom visits at Ewa Elementary.

This year during their visits, the keiki engaged in a large group “circle time,” listened to a storytelling about trees presented on the smart board, and completed a drawing and writing activity about planting a tree. The collaboration amongst teachers has resulted in a joyous day of learning, play, and acquaintance with the kindergarten teachers and classrooms.

Click Here to learn more about Head Start and Early Head Start.