HCAP WEEKLY November 27, 2023

Kalaeloa District Service Center Client Registers for GED Courses
Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center Thanks Partners for a Memorable Thanksgiving
Office of Community Services Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program visits HCAP

Kalaeloa District Service Center Client Registers for GED Courses  

Michael recently became a participant with the Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center and was referred to the Kalaeloa District Service Center by his case manager, Jayde. While staff completed intake with Michael, he shared that he had wanted to go back to school for several years, but due to extenuating circumstances, he was unable to do so. Michael has been in a wheelchair for many years and has stated that he used to feel like it was one of the biggest barriers holding him back from accomplishing his goals. However, now Michael has a new outlook on life and has expressed that the only barriers in life are the ones that we set for ourselves.

When discussing what his goals were in working with the Kalaeloa District Service Center, Michael stated that he wanted to go back to school to obtain his GED. Michael was advised that if he was willing to see it through, the Kalaeloa District staff could absolutely help him achieve that goal. On November 22, 2023, Michael completed the online registration for GED courses and is now waiting for the upcoming placement test and classes to start. Michael is very positive about this new endeavor and shares that he is so excited to be taking this next step!

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Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center Participants Thanks Partners for a Memorable Thanksgiving


Recently, Destiny Christian Church led by Pastor Carlos Cambre Sr., coordinated with KoʻOlina Resorts to provide Thanksgiving meals to Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center (KTLC) participants and other community partners such as the Mobile Homeless Outreach and Navigation for Unsheltered Persons (HONU) Project. HONU Project and KTLC have worked together closely in assisting the homeless population across Oʻahu. All of the participants were very excited to join in the meal and festivities which included singing, dancing, and storytelling. KTLC is very appreciative to Destiny Church and Ko’olina Resorts for their generosity and time.

Kumuhonua staff continued the Thanksgiving celebrations later in the week, supported by the Salvation Army Kroc Center. The Salvation Army Kroc Center provided all the fixings for a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration for program participants. They enjoyed ready-made meals of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and more! The participants showed their gratitude by joining in and helping with this joyful day.

Click Here to Learn more about the Kumuhonua Transitional Living Center. 

Office of Community Services Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program visits HCAP

Last week Mary Watts, Policy Branch Chief for the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP), and LIHWAP Program Specialist Olivia Barfield representing the Office of Community Services, paid a visit to HCAP’s Central District Service Center. At the Service Center, they met with Senior Community Service Manager, Katy Perry, Director of Community Services, Robin Fakaosi, and Community Service Manager, Melani Matthew. Their visit allowed them to learn more about HCAP’s Low-Income Home Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP), as well as the other wonderful programs HCAP offers.

Mary served as the Deputy Director for the Sonoma County People for Economic Opportunity (SCPEO), an agency of the Community Action Program network, in which she implemented a low-income household water assistance program. Through her work at SCPEO, she learned to truly evaluate the effectiveness of public service programs and oversaw the direct implementation of several anti-poverty initiatives. Olivia provides training and technical assistance to grantees of the LIHWAP program by providing input, suggestions, and support regarding challenges associated with implementing the program. HCAP staff appreciated the wealth of information shared, and meeting another Community Action Agency team with shared experiences.

Both teams had a plethora of knowledge regarding LIHWAP and discussed different ways they might be able to streamline the implementation of the program and increase benefits. LIHWAP has been extended until March of 2024, and the Central District staff members are very excited to move forward and continue to help households needing assistance with their water bills.

The COVID pandemic brought on many challenges over the past several years, and for several households paying utility bills was a challenge. Three years later, there are still many residents with significant past-due utility bills. With the new LIHWAP guidelines, HCAP staff can help households clear past-due water balances and get a fresh start.

Click Here to learn more about HCAP’s Programs & Services.