HCAP Weekly October 13, 2014

In this week’s issue:
HCAP Board of Directors Installation Dinner Honors Senator Daniel Akaka
Head Start Children Tour Hawaiian Airlines Aircraft
Another Milestone Reached for Na Lima Hana- Employment Core Services Participant
Head Start Staff Learn Ways to Teach Children about STEM
Weather Advisory
HCAP Board of Directors Installation Dinner Honors Senator Daniel Akaka
The HCAP Board of Directors Installation Dinner was held on Thursday, October 16, 2014 at Kapiolani Community College’s Ka’ikena room. This dinner was to recognize outgoing Board members, and to welcome the 2014-2015 Board of Directors and the officers of the District Advisory Councils and Head Start Policy Council.
It was also a time to reflect on the importance of community action, and remember those who have paved the way to allow HCAP and other community action agencies to serve those in need. As such, HCAP was honored to have Senator Daniel Akaka join us at the installation dinner. HCAP Executive Director Robert Piper reflected on Senator Akaka’s long history as a champion of community action, including his work in Hawaii’s public school system, as Director of the Hawaii Office of Economic Opportunity, and fighting for community action programs as a member of Congress. Senator Akaka then graciously shared his thoughts on the importance of community action and living with aloha.
Victor Geminiani, Executive Director of the Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice, gave the keynote speech. Mr. Geminiani spoke about the large number of low-income individuals and families in Hawaii, and the difficulties they face due to housing affordability, taxes and income. He also discussed ways in which government can address these issues in order to improve the overall living conditions for the low-income community.
HCAP would like to thank all those who attended and we look forward to the year ahead.
Head Start Children Tour Hawaiian Airlines Aircraft
Head Start children recently went on a tour of the Honolulu International Airport. They saw the agricultural inspection area and check-in counters, then went through the screening stations, and into the terminal itself. Each child was issued an actual boarding pass from Hawaiian Airlines. Once inside the terminal, the children boarded the aircraft, and got a tour of the cockpit, first class cabin, economy cabin, and the galleys. A big Mahalo goes out to our tour guides, Uncle Geoff, and Uncle Billy, and Aunty Sherron for letting us visit Hawaiian Airlines! Hawaiian Airlines invites all schools to experience the “Keiki Tour.” You can call Sherron Kono at 835-3149 for more info!
Another Milestone Reached for Na Lima Hana- Employment Core Services Participant
Steven, who is currently in the Laumaka Work Furlough program, visited the Kalihi-Palama District Service Center looking for help finding employment. Steven had no family support and no income. He entered the Na Lima Hana- Employment Core Services program and soon after, found employment. Steven needed black shorts and a specific type of shoes for his job. HCAP was able to assist Steven by purchasing him a bus pass, shoes, and black shorts for work. Steven has been extremely thankful for all the help and support he received through Na Lima Hana and the Kalihi-Palama District Service Center. He sent HCAP a letter thanking the organization for all the help and support. “They made me feel comfortable so that I wouldn’t be shame to ask for help. I truly believe in my heart that it is very, very important to keep programs like HCAP in circulation,” Steven stated. Steven will soon be on his own and feels that with the help he received from HCAP, he has the confidence to do good and continue to strive to rebuild his life.
Head Start Staff Learn Ways to Teach Children about STEM
HouseMart: Ace Hardware/ Ben Franklin staff did a Hardware Science presentation for the HCAP Head Start Cluster 1 teaching staff and family advocates. The presenters explained that their focus is to instill an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in children and to help them learn to think like scientists. The activities shared during the presentation made use of simple equipment and tools. A large coffee canister, duct tape and a plastic bag were made into an air blaster, a fun way to teach preschoolers about air. Another activity used 3 large plastic cups, stacked one on top of the other with index cards in between, to teach the concept of gravity. The presenters involved the staff in the experiments and everyone had a lot of fun learning new things. The teaching staff was so excited about Hardware Science that they signed up for the presentations to be done at their HCAP Head Start classrooms with their children and families.
Weather Advisory
This is to notify all HCAP employees regarding the impending weather system being tracked by State and County officials. Tropical Storm Ana is expected to move south of Oahu Saturday night.
With the information available to us at this time regarding Tropical Storm Ana, the current plan is as follows:
For Monday, October 20, 2014, all HCAP offices, program sites, and services will be open for business. This includes all HCAP Head Start classrooms, all HCAP STEM Exploration Centers, and the HCAP Youth Services Program.
All HCAP employees are expected to report to work as regularly scheduled on Monday, October 20, 2014.
Please continue to check for updates on our status at HCAP’s Hotline at (808) 447-5404 as well as HCAP’s Facebook and Twitter accounts @HCAPhi.
HCAP will continue to track the weather threat over the weekend. In the event the situation changes dramatically or conditions may warrant a change in the plans for Monday, we ask all employees to monitor broadcast television and radio reports for updated information and await possible contact from your supervisor or program manager.
As more details are made available, please continue to take all precautions necessary to keep you and your family safe during this time and follow Civil Defense instructions for your area.