HCAP WEEKLY October 30, 2023

All Things Clothes with Head Start
Windward Staff Outreach at “Thrifty Thursday”
Kalihi District Service Center Partners with the Salvation Army

All Things Clothes with Head Start


This week the Head Start keiki at Waiau PrePlus worked on developing a multitude of skills while learning about “All Things Clothes”. The lessons incorporated activities that expanded their understanding of how clothes are made, and how to take care of them. The lessons promoted color and shape recognition skills while comparing and contrasting textures, colors, patterns, and clothing styles. The children also developed arithmetic, logic, and reasoning skills while using different tools to measure and sort clothing. The keiki are looking forward to showcasing everything they learn at their upcoming Multicultural Dress-Up Day!

Click Here to learn more about Head Start & Early Head Start.

Windward Staff Outreach at “Thrifty Thursday”

Last week, Windward District Service Center staff attended the Waimānalo Elementary and Intermediate School’s “Thrifty Thursday” event at their Family Resource Center. Thrifty Thursdays take place every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and gives families the opportunity to come and pick clothing items, canned goods, shoes, toys, books, and more all for free.

The Waimānalo Elementary and Intermediate School Family Resource Center is operated by Aunty Loi and a few senior and parent volunteers. All of the items come from community donations that can be dropped off daily between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. On Wednesdays Aunty Loi and her volunteers distribute pre-packaged food bags to families who have signed up at the Family Resource Center Aunty Loi stated that her mission is to have a one-stop shop of resources for families within her school and the community.

Windward Community Service Specialist, Sheena, was able to share with Aunty Loi and other volunteers, guests, and community members about HCAP’s District Service Centers and the different programs that HCAP has to offer. Sheena shared about the Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services Program (ECS), and how ECS staff can help clients with Job Readiness Training, Resume Building, and employment search as well as resources on HCAP’s Weatherization Assistance Program and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

Click Here to learn more about HCAP’s Programs & Services.

Kalihi District Service Center Partners with the Salvation Army


The Kalihi-Palama District Service Center has partnered with the Salvation Army and its rehabilitation department. The Salvation Army’s Clean and Sober Program works with adults who want to overcome addiction. As soon as a participant graduates from the alcohol and drug program, they are able to reside in the Salvation Army’s transitional shelter until they are able to get on their feet.

The clients are referred to HCAP’s Kalihi-Palama office to apply for the Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services Program which offers assistance in obtaining employment. ECS is able to provide participants with reliable transportation through HOLO Cards, which allow clients to travel to interviews and conduct their job search. HCAP also helps clients get materials and uniforms for their jobs and offers other services such as job readiness training, vocational school tuition assistance, job placement, and more to help clients obtain and keep employment.

Click Here to learn more about Nā Lima Hana.