HCAP WEEKLY September 4, 2023

Nā Lima Hana Partners with Clinical Labs of Hawaii
Socialization with Early Head Start
HCAP Sends Aloha to MEO
HCAP strongly supports Maui Economic Opportunity (MEO), our fellow Community Action Agency on Maui, and the MEO staff, who have all been affected by the Maui wildfires disaster. In an effort to assist those who are suffering from loss in the wake of the fires on the island of Maui, HCAP staff and Board members made personal donations to show their support to the Maui community. The agency even matched the team’s personal contributions.
In total, HCAP staff and Board personally contributed $6,732 towards MEO to be used to provide assistance to MEO staff, including staff who have been directly affected by the wildfires. This amount was donated with an additional matching contribution of $5,000 from HCAP to make as much of a positive impact as possible. Mahalo to all HCAP staff and Board members for their generous contributions. The HCAP community would like to express its aloha and support to MEO, the Maui community, and all those affected by the fires in Lahaina and throughout the island.
HCAP Executive Director, Robert N. E. Piper, states, “It is our honor to stand alongside MEO and support them and Maui during these challenging times, just as MEO has supported us in our times of need all these many years. This is merely HCAP’s humble effort to “help the helpers” and “care for the caregivers”- some of the true heroes on the island of Maui today.”
Nā Lima Hana Partners with Clinical Labs of Hawaii
Nā Lima Hana: Employment Core Services (ECS) staff had the pleasure of working with Elsa Ismael, Human Resources Generalist, and Justin Stanford, Human Resource Specialist to initiate and solidify an employment partnership with Clinical Labs of Hawaii. Clinical Labs of Hawaii had its humble start in 1971 with just 2 employees. They now have 850+ employees throughout over 50 locations statewide, whom they value and treat like Ohana.
The ECS staff was fortunate enough to tour their facility and see firsthand some of the laboratory services they provide including education on hematology, forensic medicine, surgical pathology, microbiology and infectious diseases, drug testing, and much more. Clinical Labs currently has openings for Couriers/Drivers, Front Desk Receptionists, Lab Assistants, and Med Lab Assistants at various locations around the island. This partnership opens the doors for clients by providing direct job opportunities for many vocational training clients who are completing phlebotomy and other medical certification programs.
Click Here to learn more about the Nā Lima Hana.
Socialization with Early Head Start
The Early Head Start keiki, their families, and home visitors participated in socialization at Blaisdell Park, where they enjoyed a snack and participated in a variety of engaging activities. Keiki and their parents completed an art activity, sang, and danced, which supported the development of the keiki’s fine motor, gross motor, social-emotional, and cognitive skills. Early Head Start socializations provide keiki and their parents an opportunity to engage with one another, promote positive peer and adult interactions, and provide a sense of community.
Click Here for more information about Head Start & Early Head Start.