Head Start FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions
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- How can I enroll my child in Head Start?
There are several ways to submit an application for your child to enroll in Head Start. You may submit your information online through this website by following this link here. Or you can download an application here, fill it out, and mail it to the address listed on the application. And you may call our automated answering machine at 847-2400 to request an application to be sent to you.
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- How old does my child have to be to get into Head Start?
For our Head Start program, the age for enrollment is between 3 to 5 years old.
For Early Head Start program, we service infants, toddlers, and prenatal parents.
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- Does my child have to be potty trained?
No, Head Start does not require children to be potty trained for enrollment.
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- What are the income requirements? How do I know if my family qualifies?
Income requirements are set by the federal government and are changed each year. The best way to see if your family qualifies is to submit an application or call 847-2400 to speak to a Family Advocate.
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- Will my child be able to apply if he/she has a special need?
Yes, we welcome children with special needs. Our collaboration with the Department of Education (DOE) allows us to provide specialized support to children with individualized education plans (IEP) or individualized family service plans (IFSP). Our dedicated educators will work closely with you to determine the most inclusive learning environment for your child.
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- If the child’s biological parents are not in the household, what types of documents are required to enroll her/him in the Head Start program?
We encourage you to reach out to our office for personalized guidance. A staff member will be able to assist you and provide necessary clarification. Some examples of documents we use to verify custody are:
- Power of Attorney (notarized)
- Guardianship documents
- Adoption Letter
- Letter from CWS worker
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- I’ve already applied, what next?
If you have submitted an application, an ERSEA Family Advocate will contact you to review our program’s eligibility requirements. We understand that each situation may be unique, and we’re here to help make the application process as smooth as possible. This review involves the following:
- A Family Advocate assigned to your district will contact you to confirm the details provided on your application and schedule an in-person interview.
- At your interview, we will ask you to provide official documents to verify your child’s birth date and eligibility category.
♦ Date of birth can be confirmed with a birth certificate, hospital certificate, passport, baptismal record, etc.
♦ Eligibility is determined under the following categories:
- Family is experiencing homelessness
- Child is in foster care
- Verification of SNAP or TANF
- Verification of Supplemental Security Income
- Household income for the last 12 months is below 130% of FPG. You can show this with pay stubs, your W-2 form, a written statement from your employer, etc.
- During this meeting, our team members will review with you our policies, consent and permission forms, gather information regarding your family dynamics, review next steps, and may provide additional resources.
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- Will I need to turn in another application if my child is on the waitlist?
If your child is currently on the waitlist, there is no need to worry. They will continue to stay on the waitlist for the current school year, and we’ll keep you informed as soon as a spot becomes available at the classroom location near you.
In the event that your child is not selected by January, we highly recommend submitting a new application for the next school year (if child’s age is not eligible for kindergarten) to ensure your child’s continued consideration.
Should you experience a change of residence during this time, please don’t hesitate to contact our office and notify us of the update. We’ll be more than happy to assist in transferring your application to another area without the need for reapplying.
- I’ve completed the enrollment packet when does my child start?
A Family Advocate will arrange an enrollment conference with teaching staff and inform you of your child’s start date.
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- When will my child be placed on the Waitlist?
Once your eligibility is complete, we require the following health documents to submitted in order to placed on the official waitlist:
- Tuberculosis clearance
- Current physical exam or appointment card
- Current immunization record or appointment card
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- Is my child selected by a first come, first service basis?
No, once all your documents are received, your child will be placed on our waitlist and will be qualified for selection based on our point-based priority scale. Please note that we do not provide information on “ranking” due to our waitlist is constantly changing.
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