Head Start Programs

photo of Head Start child
Programs that fit your child’s and your family’s needs.

Program Type

Part Day Center Based (August to May) – Head Start only

  • Our part-day Head Start centers are a valuable resource that comes at no cost to eligible families. The hours of operation typically run from 8 am to 2 pm and provides both breakfast and lunch.

Full Day Center-Based (August to July) *Tuition Based* – Head Start only

  • We also offer a full day option to cater to the needs of parents who are working or pursuing their education. Our full day centers operate from 7 am to 5 pm and includes breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack.
  • To make this extended childcare accessible and affordable, we have implemented a reasonable monthly tuition rate of $620.00 per month. We are proud to collaborate with Child Care Connection and Preschool Open Doors subsidy programs, which can provide financial assistance to eligible families.

Home Based Program – Early Head Start & Head Start

  • The Home Based program is designed to support prenatal parents and children ages 0-5 who are enrolled in Early Head Start or Head Start. This program extends its services to families across the entire island, with a strong emphasis on empowering parents as the primary teachers and advocates for their children.
  • A home visitor teacher will visit your home for 90 minutes each week. During these visits, our home visitor will encourage positive parenting practices and also imparting valuable parenting skills. They provide engaging lessons that promote meaningful parent-child interactions through age appropriate and enjoyable activities
  • In addition to home visits, we organize bi-monthly socialization opportunities at various locations, where families in the home based program can come together for group socializations. These gatherings offer a fantastic opportunity to strengthen parent-child relationships and prepare your child for a successful journey in school

Inclusion Program

  • The Head Start preschool program is committed to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to actively participate in the most inclusive learning environment possible.
  • To achieve this goal, we have established a meaningful partnership with the DOE Preschool Special Education program.
  • In our inclusion classrooms we maintain a balanced 5:1 student-to-teacher ratio, consisting of a dedicated DOE Special Education Teacher, a DOE Teaching Assistant, a Head Start Teacher, and a Head Start Teaching Assistant.
  • This collaborative team works to deliver a comprehensive center based curriculum which not only benefits the children, but also extends its positive impact to their families. It fosters an environment that promotes patience and acceptance of one another, creating a warmer and welcoming atmosphere for all involved.