HCAP WEEKLY June 28, 2021

Photo of Weatherization

Homebound Kūpuna Receive New Refrigerator and Fresh Food Box Deliveries Thanks to HCAP Wraparound Services!A New Job, Smile, and Future Awaits Nā Lima Hana ClientHā Initiative Students Dissect Crayfish!After Being Furloughed During COVID-19, Nā Lima Hana Client Completes Phlebotomy Certification and Finds Employment at…

HCAP WEEKLY June 21, 2021

Nā Lima Hana Participant Thriving in New CareerStruggling Windward Kūpuna Receive Wrap-Around Services HCAP Program Continues Fighting Pandemic Food InsecurityPainting and Planting with Kūhiō Pre-Plus   Nā Lima Hana Participant Thriving in New Career Jonnie was referred to HCAP’s Nā Lima Hana Employment Core…

HCAP WEEKLY June 7, 2021

HCAP Head Start Assistant Teacher Reflects on Pandemic and 10 Years in the ClassroomLow-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Off to a Strong Start on Oʻahu Nā Lima Hana Partners with Leeward Community College to Provide New Employment Resources to Program ParticipantsMixing Colors and…