Leeward District Service Center/Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Community Action
85-555 Farrington Highway
Waiʻanae, HI 96792
Google Map Link to Leeward District Service Center
Telephone: 808-696-4261
Fax: 808-696-0169
Email: hcap@hcapweb.org
Download our Leeward District Service Center Brochure (PDF)
The Honolulu Community Action Program’s ultimate goal of case management is to promote and support independence and self-sufficiency. Case management is a multi-step process to ensure access to and coordination of social services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive needs.
Case management includes the following processes: intake, assessment of needs, service planning, implementation, monitoring and follow-up, crisis intervention, and case closure.
HCAP’s case management activities are diverse. In addition to assisting clients to access and maintain specific services, case management activities may include, but are not limited to:
In partnership with the Hawaiʻi Foodbank, HCAP distributes fresh produce and non-perishables to individuals and families in need. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Where: Leeward District Service Center
Requirements: Must register (one time only) at the HCAP Leeward District Service Center prior to distribution day. Bring photo ID.
All scheduled ʻOhana Produce food distributions have been temporarily suspended until further notice due to COVID-19 concerns.
Check-in Time: 12:00 – 1:00 P.M.
Food Distribution: Begins around 1:30 P.M.
The Kūpuna Independent Life Series is a comprehensive approach to assisting seniors, age 55+ with health education, support for living productive independent lives, and proactive engagement with the `ʻWaiʻanae community.
The series is held twice a year: January – May and September – December.
Lunch is provided; no cost to attend.
In partnership with Helping Hands Hawaiʻi, HCAP processes applications for emergency assistance for past due utilities or rent. Staff also offer referrals to other programs that assist with emergency needs.
The Weatherization Assistance Program assists income-eligible families and individuals by reducing their energy costs and addressing health and safety issues in their homes through energy-efficiency measures. Qualified applicants receive a home energy audit and individualized energy conservation education and may receive applicable energy saving devices free of charge. Learn more about the Weatherization Assistance Program here.
HCAP’s Income Tax Services/ Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) program assist eligible participants prepare their Federal and State tax returns, including filing for the Earned Income Tax Credit, as applicable. HCAP’s services are provided annually from February through April. Learn more about Income Tax Services program here.
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is designed to help families keep their electricity on, especially those households that are most vulnerable, such as the elderly, the disabled, and households with young children. LIHEAP primarily assists households by applying funds from an energy assistance grant directly to the energy provider on behalf of the eligible household. Learn more about LIHEAP here.
School Supplies: This program is offered in partnership with Helping Hands Hawaiʻi. Applications are taken from March through June, for July school supply delivery.
Toys for Tots: Sponsored by the US Marine Corps and Salvation Army. Requests for toys are only accepted by social service agencies such as HCAP. Christmas toys are distributed to children of low-income families, ages six months through seventeen years old.