Nā Lima Hana Client with Disability Finds Employment Thanks to Community Partnership
Single Mom Finds Employment as a Retail Store Associate
HCAP’s Weatherization Assistance Program Provides Remote Services to Households
Head Start Children Learn About Social Distancing
Nā Lima Hana Client with Disability Finds Employment Thanks to Community Partnership
HCAP’s Windward District Service Center partnership with Ko’olau Clubhouse has made it possible for clients to receive collaborative services. Back in late February, Karen came looking for help to find employment. However, due to the disabilities that Karen struggles with, it was challenging for her to find work. Karen was able to receive collaborative services from both HCAP’s Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services Program and Ko’olau Clubhouse. She successfully completed intake service and job readiness training. She also received assistance in creating a resume.
With determination and effort, Karen was able to obtain employment as a part-time janitor with a local windward business. But immediately after she started work, Karen’s employment came to a sudden halt due to COVID-19. Windward District Service Center staff continued to follow-up with Karen to ensure that she was doing well and to offer any additional services. Fortunately, Karen’s position was only temporarily put on hold. She is now back at work and in the process of acquiring the necessary work attire with client assistance funds from HCAP’s Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Service Program.
Our agency is so grateful for our partnership. With partners like Ko’olau Clubhouse, we are better able to provide a wide range of services to our clients.
Single Mom Finds Employment as a Retail Store Associate

Chasarae is a single mom with six young children. Last December, Chasarae contacted HCAP’s Central District Service Center and our staff were able to give holiday gifts to Chasare’s children. More recently, Chasarae needed help obtaining employment. Chasarae was enrolled in HCAP’s Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Service Program (ECS) and worked closely with our Community Workers to prepare for the job search. We are excited to share that Chasarae has been hired at CVS Longs as a Retail Store Associate. With ECS client assistance funds, our staff purchased required work attire for Chasarae. We would like to congratulate Chasarae on her new job and wish her all the best on her journey towards self-sufficiency!
HCAP’s Weatherization Assistance Program Provides Remote Services to Households
HCAP’s Weatherization Assistance Program is continuing to serve households remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are unable to conduct in-home energy audits at this time, but many households continue to apply for our weatherization services. Our staff are providing brochures and informational pamphlets to households and staff are also communicating with the households by telephone.
HCAP is working diligently to put safety guidelines in-place so our agency can work towards fall reopening, being safely welcomed into client’s homes, and continuing to provide this much needed service. The safety of our clients, vendors, and staff is of the highest priority. Mahalo for your continued support as we move forward in these unprecedented times.
Head Start Children Learn About Social Distancing
For young children, social distancing may be a strange and foreign concept. In order to teach children about social distancing, HCAP Head Start teachers provided the children at Kunia 3 with different ways to measure a 6 ft distance. The children used string and cutouts of their feet to measure 6 ft. This fun activity helped children understand the importance of social distancing and also helped them visualize what it means to stay 6 ft apart. Although we can’t wait to see our keiki in our classrooms again, we are happy we can provide them with support and learning from home for the time being.