HCAP WEEKLY March 25, 2024

From the HCAP Inbox: An Expression of Gratitude
Windward Community Service Specialist Gives Hope to Senior Residents
Hā Initiative Tours the Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum
Students and families of the Hā Initiative: Creative STEM After-School Program had their first ever field trip to the Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum. The Pacific Fleet Submarine Memorial was created in 1978 and is located at Pearl Harbor. The museum captures the history of the USS Bowfin (SS-287) which was a WWII Fleet Submarine that completed nine war patrols between 1943 and 1945. In preparation for the field trip, students learned about the history and science of submarines. They participated in activities learning about buoyancy to understand how objects float and sink.
During the field trip, students were split into groups to tour the museum and the Bowfin Submarine. Students played a fun bingo game learning about celestial navigation, the cold war, and history of the Bowfin. After the tour, students were able to enjoy a hot meal provided by the Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum. Hā Initiative’s students and families were very grateful for this opportunity to visit such a historical site.
The Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum and the Hā Initiative will be partnering together for future tours. Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum’s Education Manager, Susan Kam, was very grateful for the opportunity to host the program’s students. She has invited the program to participate in this field trip annually during spring break. Susan will also be partnering with HCAP’s Nā Lima Hana Employment Core Services (ECS) in the future through employment opportunities.
Click Here to learn more about the Hā Initiative.
From the HCAP Inbox: An Expression of Gratitude
HCAP Head Start staff recently received a letter from Shynelle, the mother of a student at the Ewa II Head Start classroom. She expressed her gratitude to Ms. Mel and Ms. Cheryl for being teachers that instill love, knowledge and excitement for learning to her son, Noah. She also wanted to thank Ashley for being a supportive and thoughtful Family Advocate.
Good Morning Ashley!
I am writing this to express gratitude for the effort and care you folks display every day in the classroom. It brings me joy to see my son leave my hand and run into the arms of both Ms. Mel and Ms. Cheryl. He goes on all day after school telling me what they did in school and sometimes tells me how silly his teachers are. It brings me comfort to know he is in good & caring hands especially on the “hard days”. Other things I want to note is how good he’s got at tracing, drawing, counting, ABC’s, school games, school songs, I could go on and on with the things he brings home from their classroom. Noah tells me about his friends, how he knows their names, he plays with and even shares toys with. Like I said I could go on and on with his development. He has grown so much in this past 7-8 months of school. The separation for both myself and Noah was really rough in the beginning, so just quickly wanted to highlight and give recognition to his teachers for his social and academic developments.
Now for you, Ash. Although I see and chat with Mel and Cheryl twice a day everyday. I want to express appreciation to you as well. You have been very informative, professional and helpful with all my needs. I feel any questions or concerns I have/had I can easily reach you. So I’d like to thank you too. Please forward to your management as they too should know what awesome people you are! Take special people to do what you all do! Much appreciated!
Hope this finds you well. Thank you all again for your hard work and dedication!
Click Here to learn more about Head Start & Early Head Start.
Windward Community Service Specialist Gives Hope to Senior Residents
Windward District Service Center’s Community Service Specialist (CSS) Jarom Perandos spent the day at the senior residence at Lanihuli in partnership with Giving Hope Hawaii to assist low-income families and individuals. The partnership was led by Violette Nacapoy, Giving Hope Hawaii’s Chief of Operations Director, and through his attendance Jarom was able to share valuable information about all the HCAP programs and he was able to distribute free food deliveries to low-income families and individuals.
Giving Hope Hawaii is a nonprofit dedicated to changing lives through love and human dignity. Through their tireless efforts, the staff provide food and support to the hungry and needy on Oahu’s Windward Side, especially the Kūpuna and Keiki with special needs.
Click Here to learn more about HCAP’s Programs & Services.